Action 4.4 Identify the "in Process' and 'Results' Measures
To ensure we can collect data on the 'in process' and 'results' performance throughout the implementation of the changes, and to ensure that the measures can be used for ongoing management and improvement of the process after the changes have been standardised in step 7.
Once this step is completed, you will have determined whether the 'in process' and 'results' measures identified at step 3.3 need to be modified, or additional measures required.
How to do it
We may be able to use the 'in process' and 'results' measures identified at step 3.3, but, due to the actions that were selected at step 4.3, some of the measurement points and operational definitions may have changed. This is the time to check whether to continue using the same measures or to develop any new measures that can show the before and after effects of planned changes.
Modify the list of tasks that need to be done to add any additional requirements created by the changes to the 'in process' and 'results' measures.
Introduce people to the planned measures and train them in how and why we need to collect this information, how and what we want to measure and how to record the information.